Welcome Members of the Press Community 2019

Thank you for you efforts and assistance to help educate and motivate people to act in ways that protect and replenish the natural gifts which surround us. You give our programs wings!

This site houses some content and pictures that may serve to be useful in creating engaging news and articles about our programs and activities to assist native creatures that have suffered serious habitat loss. Updates will be made periodically. Please tell your readers about our free seed program and our free adopt an online butterfly educational experience.

This is a legacy site that we maintain so as not to lose older links our main site is www.LiveMonarch.org Please visit us there for up to date news and ongoing promotions. Some of the material on this site may be older but still serves as valuable historic content showing our 12+ year history.

If there are any further materials you would like to receive please contact us. We are happy to provide you with Milkweed seed packs, Living Caterpillars and adult Butterflies to use as part of your coverage.